Orphans mean children who are still not puberty and then lose or die either of their mothers or fathers. A little bit different from orphanage which means a child who is not yet an adult and then loses or dies both his / her parents.

The term Orphans From Islamic Shari'ah

For adults who have lost their parents will not be called orphans again because they are already able to support themselves. It is only suitable for children as they can not afford to care for themselves and still need the help and assistance of others.

According to Fath Al-Qarib and Al-Baijuri:

"The orphan means a little boy (low), who has no father, whether the boy is male or female, whether he has grandpa or not. Includes a child of adultery, a levy and a child denied by li 'an between husband and wife.When he has puberty then he is not named orphans, and the puberty is fifteen years old. Qamariyyah. "

The Malay community of Malays also has another term, Orphan which is meant as those who have lost both mother and father, although this term does not exist in Islamic law.Orphans are children whose parents die or one of them when they are small or not puberty, or children whose father's death before reaching the puberty. Islam warns people to make banal relationships with orphans, provide protection and education and grant their rights.

The Word of God which means:

"Therefore do not despise orphans." (Al-Dhuha) "Do you know the one who belied religion, the one who scorned orphans." (Al-Maun) Islam also prevents them from consuming the wealth of orphanages in the wrong manner as stated in surah An-Nisa verse 6.